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Escher Fascinates with Repeating Patterns

M.C. Escher (1898-1972) was a 20th century Dutch graphic artist recognized for his unique interpretation of repeating patterns (tessellations), impossible architecture, and skills in woodcutting and lithography. Although lacking formal training in math or science, he was greatly appreciated by mathematicians, scientists, and crystallographers for his intuitive capacity for transforming geometric shape into a workable and adapting scheme. He became fascinated by the regular Division of the Plane when he visited Alhambra, a 14th-century Moorish castle in Granada, Spain in 1922. Later he would extend his passion from paper to carved beech wood spheres.

escher tessellation
Sample of M.C. Escher’s fascination with repeated pattern. Here Escher illustrates a medieval knight riding a horse.
tessellation mosaic pattern
Tessellation in the Alhambra. This was one of the tilings sketched by M. C. Escher in 1936.

This repeating patterns mosaic tile work from the castle at Alhambra illustrates the intricate design work done by artisans for the Moorish monarchs of Granada, Spain. The patterning follows an organized design but alters only with the stone color. It is rhythmic and harmonious while also ornamental. With so much detail work, the wall surface looks flat — and very unlike the typical interest of western artists to try to pierce through the wall with an illusion of depth.

escher tessellations reproduced as paperweights, statues and coasters
Fascinating and mesmerizing, follow Escher’s patterns on a never ending journey.

museum replicas from our store
Some original artworks are available as replicas in our store.

Parastone Mouseion 3D has created some Escher statues which celebrate his use of repeating patterns.