There are so many iconic Greek Roman Male Statues in museums around the world. Here we showcase a selection of original statues that are frequently reproduced as museum replicas and sold in the reproduction art market. These items have been favorites of our customers for 25 years.
We look at famous originals in our article. At the bottom, we offer replicas for sale.
Ancient Greece

Dying Gaul This sculpture depicts one of the Celtic warriors from the Gauls fifty-year war with the Greeks. Illustrated with an elegant simplicity, the warrior–who has fought bravely without armor and wearing only a Celtic torque around his neck–lowers his head and clasps his leg stoically. Capitoline Museum, Rome. Roman copy after a bronze original of c. 3rd century BC.

Asclepios, Greek God of Medicine Statue Asclepios was the Greek god of medicine and healing (called Aesculapius in Rome). He was the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis according to legend, but most probably a mortal who originally practiced healing in the area of Trikkala on the Thessalian plain of central Greece and came later to be considered a god. He’s most famous sanctuary was located in Epidaurus. The temples of Asclepios are always associated with sacred springs, whose waters carried the healing powers of the Earth.

Winged Phallic Symbol The phallic bird was used in Ancient Greece for fertility rituals, and dionisiac processions where participants carried phallic poles. The unveiling of the phallus constituted an important rite of Dionysiac celebrations. Phallic imagery in public monuments and in ordinary domestic and commercial plaques can be found at different times and places throughout the Greek and Roman world. Phallic icons were often placed outside houses, in doorways, walls, boundaries, graves, etc. It was often used as a symbol of protection and warding off evil. Phallic artifacts includes amulets, lamps, votives, figurines, boundary markers, ornaments, tintinnabula and pottery.

Mercury (Hermes)
Mercury (Hermes) acted as messenger of the gods and a deity of wealth, trade and travelers. He assisted many gods by using his winged sandals named “talaria” which he wears in this 16th sculpture by Giovanni da Bologna (Giambologna) now in the National Museum, Florence. (Talaria Enterprises is named for his sandals).

Hercules and Diomedes
As the eighth of his twelve labors decreed by the Oracle of Delphi, Hercules was to gather the flesh-eating mares of Diomedes and bring them to Eurytheus, king of Mycenae. This piece illustrates Hercules and Diomedes in mortal combat. Legend has it that Hercules fed the vanquished Diomedes to his mares, who then became quite tame. Original in the Palazzo Vecchio, Florence from the 16th Century.

Fedelino Boy Pulling Thorn Hellenistic sculpture of Boy with Thorn, also called Fedele (Fedelino) or Spinario now in the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome with a copy in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. He is thought to be a Roman messenger who would persevered with his delivery even with an injured foot from a thorn. This one pictured is a rendition in the Spurlock Museum.

Charioteer Vase Painting As one of the most popular sports in the early Olympic games, the chariot race always marked the opening of the games. It was followed by the pentathlon which consisted of running, jumping, javelin and discus throwing and wrestling.

Diskobolos Discus Thrower Originally created by the Greek artist Myron in bronze c. 450 BC, the Diskobolos (Discus Thrower) survives here as a Roman marble copy. Executed during a period of transition between the Early and High Classical styles, this sculpture’s natural anatomy and twisting pose are new conventions. The sculptor Myron followed the classical path towards realism of the anatomy, while avoiding expression of emotion.

We look at famous originals in our article. At the bottom, we offer replicas for sale.
Perikles (Pericles, 495-429 BC) was the leader of Athens from 460 until 430 BC during the age of Classical art and culture. He was responsible for helping to develop the first democracy in Western culture and its greatest monument, the Acropolis with Parthenon. The Golden Age of Athens, from 455 to 404 BC, when Athens is defeated by Sparta, is called the Athenian Age, the Classical Age, or, after its most important political figure, the Age of Pericles. Just about everything that is associated with Greek culture is squeezed into this half century of wealth, energy, and creativity in Athens. Most of the monumental works of architecture, built from the wealth that poured into Athens from her imperial possessions, were built at this time: the Parthenon, the rebuilding of the Agora, etc. Flush with wealth and at peace with Persia and Sparta, the Athenians invested in a massive cultural flowering of art, poetry, philosophy, and architecture. Pericles used his eloquent speaking ability and keen sense of judgement to gain support for his plans and programs for his home city of Athens, bringing change and prosperity to Athens.

Socrates Bust with Chest The Greek 5th-century philosopher Socrates (469-399 BC) sought genuine knowledge rather than mere victory over an opponent; Socrates employed the arguments of logic towards a new purpose, the pursuit of truth. His willingness to call everything into question and his determination to accept nothing less than an adequate account of the nature of things make him the first clear exponent of critical philosophy. For his innovative approach, Socrates was tried for “impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens.”

Alexander the Great Alexander was born in 345 B.C. at Pella, the capital of Macedonia. As a child, his studies were under the tutelage of Aristotle. At the age of sixteen, while his father Phillip, the King of Macedonia, marched against Byzantium he was entrusted with the governing of their country. When his father was murdered, he became King and leader of the powerful Macedonian army. After strengthening his positions in Greece, he undertook a military campaign which freed the Greek cities of Asia Minor from Persian rule. With an objective of fusing western and oriental cultures, he then went on to conquer Egypt, Persia and part of India before his death at the age of 33. These brilliant accomplishments during his brief life identify him as one the greatest of all military leaders. The Macedonian ding is represented as a youth with luxuriantly wavy locks that rise upward from above the middle of his forehead like a lion’s mane, a characteristic known from all Alexander portraits. Probably an original work of the sculptor Leochares.
Ancient Rome
During the Roman era, the Roman empire grew from its origins at Rome in the West to a colossal territorial scale from Spain to the Middle East, and North Africa to Britain. It continued for hundreds of years based on the traditions and principles established by Julius Caesar and Augustus Octavian. Portraits during the Roman era are characterized by their similarity to Caesar and Augustus’ first portraits: profile view, laurel wreath, wavy Hellenistic short cropped hair (varying in length and shape over time).

Jules César, musée d’Arles, buste en marbre découvert en 2007 dans le Rhône.

1863 in der Villa der Livia bei Primaporta gefunden. Kaiser Augustus (27 v. Chr. – 14. n. Chr.)
Julius Caesar Julius Caesar was a brilliant general and statesman who had a profound impact on history. Between 58 and 50 B.C. he conquered the Gauls in northern Europe, greatly adding to the size and influence of the Roman empire. Following a civil war, he became Rome’s dictator and enacted many needed reforms which helped ensure the success of Rome for centuries to come.
Augustus of Primaporta This full figure sculpture (c. AD 15) of the first Roman emperor, Augustus, was originally found in Primaporta, Italy at Livia’s (his wife) summer home. It is representative of idealized Roman portraiture typically identified with Roman leadership. As Augustus raises his arm and addresses his troops, a small cupid tugs at his leg thereby symbolically aligning him with the Roman gods. Augustus was the first Roman emperor and the cultivator of several centuries of Roman imperial portraiture. This sculpture illustrates his legendary characteristics: brushed forward hair (after Alexander the Great), aquiline nose, broad forehead, deep set eyes, and idealized beauty.

She Wolf with Romulus and Remus According to Roman myth, the Roman Republic was founded by two young brothers, Romulus and Remus, who suckled a She-Wolf named Lupa. This famous sculpture originally in bronze (ca. 500-480 BC), was placed (without the children who were a Renaissance addition) on the Capitoline Hill as a symbol of the strength and might of the new Roman people. The original (33.5”H) is now housed in the Museo Capitolino in Rome.

Here is a partial collection of our Greek and Roman statues available for sale in our online store. For more selection, visit Museumize.com Greek Roman Classical Collection