Driven by learning, teaching, and culture, Talaria Enterprises encourages time travel by selling museum reproductions. 25 years online.

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Christianity | Angels Christ Prayers

Christianity is based on the story of Jesus as the son of God who through kindness and charity, will lead his people towards a righteous life. His mother Mary plays an important role teaching about compassion and motherhood. The archangels appear in the Book of Revelations with Michael as the greatest of all, revered for slaying the Devil, thereby Good triumphing over Evil.

In art, teaching and appreciation of the Christian message appears in pictures of Christ’s life, death / crucifixion, resurrection / second coming, Mary holding baby Jesus / mother and child, and many stories about the rise of Christianity as a unifying force overcoming many struggles.

Angels are illustrated as helpful symbols of divine intervention. They are shown as beautiful, ethereal, receiving diving light, assisting with prayer, and giving compassion. Below at right, an angel offers comfort to a baby in one of our favorite statues – PN CUS028

“As I lay him down to sleep, I will watch over him, resting his head on my lap while you earn your wings dear Mother for this precious gift. I will protect him from harm…”

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Some original artworks are available as replicas in our store.